A Software Engineer: Discover a solution, let the business run smooth and grow 📈

Hello, I am Suryasa Made ✋

I am a highly driven and passionate person for data and software development, with expertise lies in Backend and Fullstack Development with some stacks such as Laravel + PostgreSQL + ReactJS + and many other tools. With tight competition with thousand of applicants, I managed to be accepted as one of the scholarship of Bangkit Academy by Google Indonesia, and completed the Mobile Development learning-path 🤖.

Learning new skills and conducting experiments is important as a Software Engineer to stay relevant in technological developments. Stay curious and go beyond.

Various Publications 📃

Every trip we make deserves to be remembered, and every knowledge gained should be immortalized by writing. The ups and downs of life always build us towards the future.

That Which Does Not Kill Us Makes Us Stronger
— Friedrich Nietzsche (Twilight of the Idols)

The following is some of simple articles that I have make/write, hopefully can give the readers new insights 📝.

TLDR; I am open to joining impactful projects / companies. If you are seeking a dedicated professional as a partner to collaborate with, message and lets connect with me - on LinkedIn / GitHub / Medium / Twitter. Together we explore opportunities to make a meaningful impact in the futures ✨.